This is a continuation of a series started here.
Pause to Praise
“How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you.” (Psalm 139:17-18)
David here is overwhelmed by the sheer weight and volume, the loftiness and vast knowledge that God has about Him and the care that has been taken in the planning for His life. He is stunned by the personal care that God has taken to design him to be him! God doesn’t have one blueprint, one cookie cutter model, for how humans are to be and act. He has a vast sum of plans, and designs for each of us, unique and special. The one who designed the sun, moon, planets, stars, oceans and land, took the time to create every part of who you and I are, and watches over us with great care every day!
I suppose you know that Will and Kate are having a baby, right? That child’s life is pretty well set. Where they go, what they do, the place they live, and almost everything else can be 90% laid out right now because he or she is in line to be the King or Queen of England.
Consider for a moment, if you will, how different you would act and perceive yourself if you knew that you were born of a royal line; that you were destined for greatness. If your training, experiences, schooling, and even your personality was carefully planned, and purposefully crafted and designed since before you were born, because you were destined to be someone important. A king, a queen, a famous athlete, a great scientist, a renowned doctor.
Consider how different you would be if you knew that you were the one who was chosen above all others to be trained and destined for a grand purpose that you would be perfectly suited for, and whose work would have eternal significance. How would that make you feel? How would you act differently today? What would your self-esteem be like? It would feel pretty good if you were important, unique, gifted and your great deeds were even anticipated by the host of heaven! Well, I have news for you… it’s true! And it is the reason why we praise the one who chose and designed you! Do you get a sense as to why David breaks into worship in these verses?